By Charlotte Fallowfield
Published: February 21, 2016
Genre: Romantic Comedy
What do you do when the guy you’re in love with is seeing someone else?
That’s the dilemma facing Paige Taylor. All of her life she’s only ever had eyes for the gorgeous Alec Wright, but despite their undeniable chemistry, their timing has always been off. Fast approaching her thirtieth birthday, Paige despairs of ever finding love and a happy ever after. Her best friend Poppie tells her that she can either watch life pass her by, or grab it with both hands. She convinces Paige to throw herself back into the dating pool, or she could be waiting for Alec forever.
What Paige didn’t expect was the catalogue of dating disasters to follow. A neck brace, jelly fish, stitches, flashing and an encounter with a gorilla were some of the most memorable. Despite some downright hilarious, humiliating and cringe worthy dates, her biological clock is ticking and Paige is determined to keep trying until she finds the one.
Was Alec Wright always her Mr. Right, or is he still out there waiting to be found?
Join Paige in her quest to find the ultimate prize. Love.
J&M's Book Diaries rating:

J&M's review:
Until We Collide by Charlotte Fallowfield is every romantic comedy readers fantasy. From the beginning through the end I was captured by the humor and characters this book had to offer. Let’s just say I pulled an all nighter. This was one of those page-turning, one more chapter type of books. I found myself laughing out loud more times than I can count.
Paige Taylor (our protagonist/heroine) is beautiful with curves to match old Hollywood Marilyn Monroe’s, she’s a bit clumsy and full of personality. Paige has been swooning over Alec Wright since she was 17yrs old. Despite making a fool out of herself Paige realized her dreams of dating Alec would never happen. Not only was he 4 years older than her, Alec also had a girlfriend.
Forward to a year later, Alec broken up with his girlfriend surprised Paige and took her to a ball. They had an amazing night getting to know one another. Alec even claimed Paige has his girlfriend. Everything between them seemed too good to be true and it was. That weekend Paige had an opportunity of a lifetime to Nanny in the Caribbeans for 3 years and with Alec moving to London for his job offer as a photographer their relationship ended before it could even start.
Over a span of 14 years Alec and Paige find themselves bumping in to one another but were never destined to be with each other. Either one of them would be dating someone else or the timing was not right. It made me antsy to see their love slip through their fingers over and over, the heartbreak!
Besides her love for Alec, we see Paige move to London after her return from the Caribbean. Her new adventure as an adult and super model career. Paige dating and trying out relationships to get over Alec. Her relationship with her best friend Poppie is worthy of the hashtag #friendshipgoals. Everything about the two of them made me laugh out loud.
I was so bummed out once the book ended. I was definitely longing for more scenes with Alec and Paige and their love and relationship.
With that being said, this was such a fun read from Charlotte and as an author she never disappoints! You all know how much I adore and enjoy her alter-ego C.J. Fallowfield erotic books/novels.I can never get enough her books! As a reader, book blogger and fan of hers... Thank you for the stories, never stop writing Charlotte!
(*I was given this ARC to read for an honest review*)
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