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at JMBookDiaries
We're passionate about reading and would love to read and review any books that come our way, as long as it fits our genre. Please note that we do have other commitments that may get in the way of our reading time so we will try to squeeze in as many reviews as we can.
Our favorite genre's are New Adult,Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedies, Erotica, Paranormal Romance, Indies, and occasionally YA. We do not read historical or non-fiction.
Please know that we take our reviews seriously and will always review with honesty. Please be assured that every book we read will be treated with the care and respect it deserves and if we decide to rate the book with less than 2 stars, that we will not post it up on our blog and social sites.
We LOVE doing author interviews and character interviews and would be more than happy to schedule one.
We accept swag for ourselves and for giveaways.
We prefer review copies in paperback or hardcover, arc copies that are preferably epub, but will also accept PDF. Arc copies that we receive will be included in a contest giveaway (author giveaway) where we can send out 2 ebooks/gifts.
Once we review your book, we will than publish it on our blog, share the review on social sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and twitter. We will also publicize on Goodreads and Amazon to ensure your book receives the most exposure possible.
If you would like to be added to our review list, please send us an email to
Thank you for contacting us & giving us the opportunity to continuing what we love to do.

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