Our love affair for books started off with Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Series. We were both consumed by the book with it's characters & their love story. It made us appreciate the joy of reading and being part of a fantasy that real life can't offer. Today we are so beyond the teen-fiction, but of course we still enjoy them from time to time. We have read many different books from Paranormal-Romance, Romance, New Adult, YA, Mystery, Fantasy, to Erotica & falling in love with a new character each time. This brings us to our online book club/blogging social sites and networks. We decided to create something together because our love for books and our passion to read is insane! We want to share our passion with many of you book lovers out there, and give you our recommendations, reviews, updates on book releases & book signings, & open discussions where we can chat or vent with one another. We're looking forward to this wonderful journey & hope that you will have as much fun as we will! Enjoy & Happy Reading!!!
I've been happily taken by the love of my life for a total of 11 years & have been married for 8 years. We have two loving dogs that mean the world to me. Outside of the blogging world, I'm an eyelash extension specialist & is part owner of an online boutique with M at www.modcandee.com I find peace by enjoying the nature through hikes, I'm addicted to coffee, & my most favorite hobby is relieving my stress through reading. I absolutely love to read... Obsessed is more like it! I just love the feeling of picking up a book and escaping reality to another world!
Hi I'm M! I'm a stay-at-home, a mother to 3 kids, and a wife to my high-school sweetheart who I have been with since 2001. Besides doing all the mommy/wife duties, running around like a chicken with it's head cut-off I try to spend the few hours of my free time with J. Whether that's going to the gym, running our online boutique, blogging, coffee runs, and eating. But my all time favorite hobby is reading. My love for books is endless! I'm a Pisces and it's true, I'm a dreamer and I love to live in the fantasy world. It's great that there are many amazing books to get lost in & escape the stress of reality. I love the smell of books & I get a rush of excitement every time I buy a new book. I'm so proud of my growing collection! I spend most of my "sleep-time" reading, and it's so worth it. There's so many books and not enough time.